edge-of-existence-edge: Although the kiwi’s genus name, Apteryx, literally translates to “without wings”, these birds do in fact have them!  The kiwi’s wings are tiny and underdeveloped, almost completely hidden under their hair-like feathers, and even have claws at their tips.  Even if these wings were full-sized, however, the kiwi would be unable to fly; like other ratites,… Continue reading

nambroth: TUMBLR! Tomorrow, September 3 2016, is once again INTERNATIONAL VULTURE AWARENESS DAY! If you are already a vulture PRO, it’s all good, keep scrollin’, baby.NOT A VULTURE PRO? THEN READ ON, FRIEND. VULTURES: SOME ARE LIKELY GOING EXTINCT, RAPIDLY:As you are aware, vultures exist. But did you know that many species of vultures are… Continue reading

typhlonectes: Pom-Pom Crab (Lybia edmondsoni),Oahu, Hawaii … found on a survey of the coral reefs of Oahu as part of the Hawaiian Archipelago Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program. This little “pom-pom” crab was found on one of the Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (ARMS) retrieved from the coast of South Oahu yesterday. ARMS units are used… Continue reading

The Paleozoic: a series about life before the dinosaurs




My Kickstarter project is LIVE! Please reblog and share the link…because by myself, I don’t know that many people. 


5 books, 42 feet long, 280 million years worth of story. One more paleo art project worth backing!

I can see that this project took a lot of effort and planning, so please help her spread the word, folks!

The Paleozoic: a series about life before the dinosaurs

coolthingoftheday: coolthingoftheday: This photograph of a sturgeon has been making the rounds on Facebook lately, freaking people out because they couldn’t figure out what it was.  It has come to my attention that many people find this picture scary – but I actually think sturgeon are big squishy babies? I mean look at their faces… Continue reading